This website is the property of Fastlane at 421 Centennial Park, Centennial Avenue, Elstree WD6 3TN. By using this website, you agree that you consent to and are bound by the following terms and conditions:
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Fastlane takes all reasonable care to ensure that the information contained on this website is accurate, however, we cannot guarantee its accuracy and we reserve the right to change the information on this website (including these terms and conditions) at any time. You must therefore check these terms and conditions for any such changes each time you visit this website.
Fastlane makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to this website or the content contained on it, including any text, graphics, advertisements, links or other items. Furthermore, neither Fastlane nor any other contributor to this website make any representation or gives any warranty, condition, undertaking or term either expressed or implied as to the condition, quality, performance, accuracy, fitness for purpose, completeness or freedom from viruses of the content contained on this website or that such content will be accurate, up to date, uninterrupted or error free. Nothing on this website shall be regarded or taken as financial advice.
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Fastlane is committed to operating its business in a transparent and open manner consistent with our legal and regulatory obligations. We are aware that the automotive industry is a target for organised criminals seeking to launder the proceeds of criminal activity. We always seek to prevent this activity by cooperating fully with the authorities and reporting suspicious activity to National Crime Agency.
As part of this commitment we adopt a strict compliance of all applicable Anti Money Laundering rules, with specific emphasis on the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, the Money Laundering Regulations 2007, the Bribery Act 2010 and the Terrorism Act 2000.
Fastlane’s commitment to this policy is applicable to all our customers, including manufacturers and dealer partners. As a result, we obtain and hold for a period of at least five years evidence pertaining to our customers’ identity. We will be unable to proceed with any work on behalf of our customers if we are unable to obtain this information.
Fastlane is registered and supervised by HM Revenue & Customs for compliance with the Money Laundering Regulations 2007.